The Khalifa Ihler Institute

About Glitterpill LLC

In 2022 we founded Glitterpill LLC as a corporate US-based entity to streamline our work to serve corporate clients across sectors that grapple with the issue of violent extremism and terrorism both online and offline while maintaining our non-profit efforts as the Khalifa Ihler Institute.

Glitterpill LLC provides actionable insights into the narratives and behaviours of violent extremist networks on-, and off-line.

By blending subject matter expertise and transnational tracking of violent extremist movements, networks and behaviours, we provide a comprehensive picture of global violent extremist movements, and the impact they have on social media platforms and tech companies.

Glitterpill LLC seeks to enhance collaboration across private and government sectors to ensure the highest quality intelligence products related to violent decentralized networks.




Situational Awareness

Building on our extensive knowledge of violent extremist movements and activities both on-, and offline we can develop situational awareness covering global incidents of significance, as well as political and media responses. 

Providing access to our continuous incident monitoring and biweekly situational awareness reports will keep you and your team informed about these developments, which can help inform policy responses and actions taken by the teams.

Case Studies

Over the years, our team has gained significant experience developing and delivering actionable case studies for threat investigation and policy teams at major tech companies. These have enabled companies to take specific actions against groups and networks and helped our clients develop a deeper understanding of the challenges posed by violent extremists who do not overtly identify as members of any particular group. This has led to informing actionable policy-making within the organizations. 

Glitterpill LLC focuses on network dynamics on and offline. By looking at offline incidents surrounding particular narratives we identify high-value, radicalizing figures, networks and violative content being circulated across platforms. Through this method, we have contributed to slowing the spread of harmful narratives, disinformation, and radicalizing materials.

Over the past year, we have built the infrastructure to address evolving disinformation-related threats and their relationship to TVEC. Through this, we have been able to address the ban-evasion tactics of high-profile targets, and “superspreaders” of dangerous materials.

We provide unique insights into the dynamics of cross-platform influence, radicalization, disinformation, and conspiratorial networks. This knowledge is further enhanced by our extensive mapping of offline behaviours and group dynamics. Our hybrid analyses add clarity to the online rhetoric and the real-world harm

Our teams have developed a set of case studies in coordination with policy teams that describe “Edge Cases,” cases that may not be addressed by current community enforcement guidelines which merit further investigation. These case studies will include a set of written reports which tackle one specific case that is representative of a broader issue.

Content Flagging & Action Evaluation - Social Media Platforms

Throughout our work, we frequently discover TVEC materials which inform our case studies and analysis. Through our work, all on-platform content that falls within the TVEC category will be flagged. 

We also track content internally for auditing purposes. This will enable us to generate reports assessing actions taken against the content, networks or users, and your effectiveness in stopping the spread of harmful materials. This can help in further developing policy, infrastructure, training for moderators and other resources. It also serves two additional functions: good PR for social media companies, and prevention of costly lawsuits that can stem from not addressing radicalizing content and content harmful to users.

Our Approach

We conduct extensive transnational tracking of violent extremist actors and activities. Building on our extensive experience tracking incidents we have built an extensive dataset also including groups and individuals. By focusing on content and incidents first we reach far beyond the scope of what’s traditionally addressed through group-based approaches, and effectively address self-directed lone actors and individuals causing harm throughout more loosely definable, less prescribable networks. 

Building on our internal data we can directly connect individuals and their social media profiles to specific events they have participated in, their membership and participation in groups, and their role in extended networks. This establishes a more comprehensive approach to content moderation as it increases the understanding of the behaviour of individual members of dangerous and harmful movements and networks as they evolve.

Basing our work on a behaviour-based model for understanding and analyzing violent extremist and conspiratorial movements in context, empowers us to hold individuals accountable, and allows us to monitor the evolution of the broader threat landscape. This expansion will lead to more actionable data. It will also help clients gain a better understanding of the strategic impact of actions taken against individual users, and how it impacts extremist network dynamics.

As we know extremist organizations and conspiratorial movements operate beyond national borders. By building our OSINT reporting on the established work conducted among others for our Hate Map and our data-sharing partnerships with academic institutions, local and international organizations, and monitoring networks, we are able to provide a high-quality evidence base for the international as well as the domestic activities of the members, groups, and networks we monitor.


Contact Us


Please reach out to learn more about our services and how we best can meet your needs.